Thanks, next question.

From: Peter Richeson <richesop_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 95 8:49:03 CST

First, thanks to all for the help on my first problem. Most of you geve the
same fix.
Next problem, I get through the compile wiht no more errors/warnings but when
it gets to the link phase it cant find n.o. I went looking and cant fine n.c
what is n.o? Do I have an incomplete copy? Will congress pass a balanced
budget? Tune in tomorrow for the ansers to these and many more questions.
sorry, got carried away.

Next question, I need to figure out how the signal inside a large round sealed
cylinder bounces around. Basicly, I need to look at the max,min,avg signal from
a single/multiple ant. One of the Engineers I work with rembers seeing a blurb
in a NASA tek breaf about a program that looked like it would do the job. That
was about 4-6 mo ago, before We got this task. Thanks.

.      '''
.     (o o)
Peter D. Richeson                    | "I don't believe in a no-win   |
Email: |  scenaro."                     |
Phone  (205)461-2603                 |    - Admiral James T. Kirk     ||                                |
I do not speak for any one but me, and some times not even for me.
Received on Mon Dec 04 1995 - 17:07:00 EST

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