Is Ray Anderson's web page still up?

From: Peter Richeson <richesop_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 97 7:24:33 CST

I have tried for a couple of days to get to Ray Anderson's web page. Did he
move it?

I ask this is in connection with updateing my NEC weg page(s). I am fixing
MANY OCR errors and format errors. I have had one person re-create a couple of
the figs and I will be including them. If any one else has a sugestion let me
know and I will include it if I can. I want to get the next rev out by this

.      '''
.     (o o)
Peter D. Richeson/KA5COI | Email:           |
499 boeing Blv.          | Inside|
Huntsvlle, Al 35824      | Outside   |
M/S JR-10                | Phone  (205)461-2603                         |
"I don't believe in a no-win scenaro." - Admiral James T. Kirk          |
I do not speak for any one but me, and some times not even for me.      |
Received on Fri Jan 31 1997 - 13:41:00 EST

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