NEC-LIST: Call for papers: Workshop on Signal Propagation in Interconnects

From: Treytnar Dieter <dtre_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 15:04:35 +0100

                          CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                         2nd IEEE Computer Society
                         INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON

                              May 13-15, 1998
                    Kurhaus-Hotel, Travemuende, Germany


                   Please download PostScript-File (30K)
            Call for Participation and Telefax Application Form


As a result ot the success of the 1st Workshop on Signal Propagation
on Interconnects we will continue this meeting with the "2nd IEEE
Computer Society International Workshop on Signal Propagation on
Interconnects" to be held in Travemuende, Baltic Sea Side, which will
be sponsored by the IE EE Computer Society. The aim and therefore the
topics of the Workshop are in the main the same as in 1997 as seen
below. It is the intent of this workshop to report on recent
developments and approaches in the field of interconnect simulation
and measurement on chips as well as on boards and packages. We look
forward to another workshop where leading edge results will be shared
and discussed by world class developers and researchers in this field.

     Main topics of the workshop will include, but are not limited to:

   * Delta-I-Noise
   * Broadband Measurement * Non-Linear Modeling and Analysis
     Techniques and Theory * Propagation Characteristics on
   * Coupling Effects on Signal and
     Interconnects Ground Lines
   * Determination of Characteristic * Radiation and Interference
     Parameters * Simulation Techniques for 2- and
   * Field Theory 3-dimensional
   * Ground Bounce Interconnect Structures
   * Guided Waves on Interconnects * Substrate Influence on Signal
   * Measurement, Modeling, and Propagation
     Simulation of Inter- * Interconnects and Testing
     connects inside of Packages * Delay Testing with Coupling

                         Submission of abstracts:

A copy of an one or two page extended summary, including figures,
should b e sent by February 1, 1998 to the Program Chair or to the
Co-Chair. Notification about acceptance will be given by March 1,
1998. The current and up-to-date information about the workshop can be
found on the website

The workshop will be held in English. The title of the contribution
and the names and affiliations of all authors must appear on the
first page of the summary. If the paper is accepted, the summary will
be reproduced, as is, in the workshop's digest. The committee looks
forward to your participation.

General Chair: Vice Chair: Program Chair:

Joachim P. Mucha Thomas W. Williams Hartmut Grabinski
University of Hannover IBM Corporation, University of Hannover
Institut fuer Theoretische Boulder Laboratorium fuer
Elektrotechnik c/o University of Informationstechnologie
Appelstr. 9A Hannover Schneiderberg 32
30167 Hannover Laboratorium fuer 30167 Hannover
Tel: +49 511 762 InformationstechnologieTel: +49 511 762
3201/3202 Schneiderberg 32 5030/5043
Fax: +49 511 762 3204 30167 Hannover Fax: +49 511 762 5051 Tel: +49 511 762 5031
                          Fax: +49 511 762 5051


Petra Nordholz
University of Hannover
Laboratorium fuer
Schneiderberg 32
30167 Hannover
Tel: +49 511 762 5032
Fax: +49 511 762 5051

Technical Program

W. Bandurski, Univ. P. Nordholz, Univ. A.E. Ruehli, IBM, Yorktown
Poznan (PL) Hannover (D) Heights (USA)

F. Canavero, Univ. O.A. Palusinski, Univ. J. Schutt-Ain=E9, Univ.
Torino (I) Arizona (USA) Illinois (USA)

D. De Zutter, Univ. H.-J. Pfleiderer, Univ. E. Sicard, INSA, Toulouse
Gent (B) Ulm (D) (F)

H.-J. John, SNI, L.T. Pileggi, Carnegie R. Velazco, TIMA, Grenoble
Paderborn (D) Mellon (USA) (F)

E. Kuh, Univ. Berkeley H. Reichl, FhG-IZM, D. Williams, NIST, Boulder
(USA) Berlin (D) (USA)

N. van der Meijs, K. Reiss, Univ. T.W. Williams, IBM, Boulder
Univ. Delft (NL) Karlsruhe (D) (USA)

J.P. Mucha, Univ. A. Rubio, Univ. UPC Y. Zorian, AT&T Bell Labs
Hannover (D) Barcelona (E) (USA)


                            TELEFAX COVER SHEET


     To: Hartmut Grabinski
     Laboratorium fuer Informationstechnologie
     University of Hanover
     30167 Hannover, Germany

     Fax: ++49-511-762-5051

# of pages including cover sheet: 1


Yes, I intend to attend the 2nd IEEE Workshop "Signal Propagation on

 as a speaker

 without giving a talk

(please indicate)

Please send me a program as well as a registration form (after March 1,



Mailing Address










Dipl.-Ing. Dieter Treytnar
Laboratorium fuer Informationstechnologie
Schneiderberg 32
D-30167 Hannover, Germany
Tel. +49-511-762-5056
Fax +49-511-762-5051
Received on Wed Dec 17 1997 - 12:52:13 EST

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