Re: NEC-LIST: Beverage antenna

From: John Belrose <john.belrose_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 15:40:21 -0500

Duncan, you need to up-date your files.

The report by Litva and Rook is long since out of print, and, in any
case, since this is a NEC-List forum, we can model Beverage antennas
using NEC-2, with elevated radials at a very low height over ground (a
few wire diameters); or using NEC-4 with buried radials.

I have successfully modelled Beverage antennas having lengths of 100
to 300 metres for HF (2-30 MHz).

I have sumarized the results obtain by Litva and Rook and colleagues
in "Beverage Antennas for Amateur Communication", J.S. Belrose,
J. Litva, G.E. Moss and E.E. Stevens, QST, pp. 22-27, January 1983.
Bev Beverage was very pleased to read this article, which we discussed
--- but that grand old pioneer and gentleman is now a silent key.

Jack, VE2CV

>Good day.
>I would like to refer would-be Beverage antenna designers to the
>following reports (all somewhat old):
>1) HL Spong, "A practical guide to the design and construction
>of a single wire Beverage antenna," Tech. Memo. Rad-Nav 137,
>1980, Royal Aircraft Establishment.
>2) J Litva and BJ Rook, "Beverage antennas for HF communications,
>direction finding and over the horizon radars," CRC Report 1282,
>1976, Communications Research Center, Department of
>Communications, Ottawa, Canada. (Has a Fortran listing for
>3) VA Misek, "The Beverage antenna Handbook," VA Misek, Wason
>Road, Hudson, NH 03051, 1977.
>Have a great day,. Duncan Baker.

John S. (Jack) Belrose, PhD Cantab, VE2CV
Senior Radioscientist
Radio Sciences Branch
3701 Carling Avenue
PO Box 11490 Stn. H
TEL 613-998-2308
FAX 613-998-4077
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