NEC-LIST: What is the best way to model a complex surface?

From: Abraham Rubinstein <abraham.rubinstein_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 12:21:14 +0100

Ok, here is my problem:

I have CAD data which represents a vehicle. The mesh is made of triangular
pieces that conform the surfaces of the whole geometry. I've been able to
convert the sides of the triangles into GW structures of 1 segment each so
that this information is now a NEC file. The shortest segment is about 1 cm
long and the longest goes up to 14.5 cm. I can't really cut the longer wires
into shorter segments since this will increase the total number of segments
to a figure impossible to run.

What should be the radius to assign to these segments taking into account
the lengths?

Has anyone done this before with success (reading CAD data not originally
conceived as a NEC input file and obtaining good results)?

Thanks in advance,
Abraham Rubinstein
Power Systems Laboratory
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Tel: (+41 21) 693 2667

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