Re: NEC-LIST: New computer

From: <4nec2_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 01:06:05 -0700 (PDT)

> I am planning to buy a new computer in order to run nec2d and/or nec2dxs
> exectables in Arie's 4nec2. The computer will have 2GB of RAM in order to
> run files with up to 11,000 segments. I will make use of 4nec2's
> optimization capability.

Ross, besides the W-95 OS, it does not strictly matter what windows OS you
are running. For the latest OS types, you can use W-2000 or W-XP.
Till know I have not heard about someone running W-2003.

Concerning the required engines. Just this weekend and as a result of a
users request, I did some additional investigations on virtual memory usage
minimum amounts of memory as required for the nec2dXS engines as available
on www.qsl/net/wb6tpu/swindex.html.

Till now there were two versions available. One capable of running virtual
memory, but limited to a max of 5000 segments. Meaning you can run 5000
segments even on a 64Mb system, but it will take some time to finish.
The other engine is capable of running some 11000 segments. However only
if enough physical (on-board) RAM was available for the selected engine

This weekend I found a way to use both a maximum of 11000 segments
and to automatically use virtual memory if RAM memory is not enough.
This would require only one nec2dXS.exe engine for all systems. Only the
physical memory size on the system would determine if it's neccesary for
the engine to use virtual memory or not. All this without the user having to
know about this.

Because I will have to do some additional testing to be 100% certain, it
will take a couple of day's before comming available on Ray Andersons site.


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