General help

From: Cooksley, John <ees2jc_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 95 14:35:02 GMT

HI all,

I have recently been given the task of modelling antennas for use with the
spacecraft we produce here at SSTL, with a view to incresing complexities of
systems and increase in frequency. At present I am limited severly by the number
of pulses/memory required for my models (64MB gives under 3000), as at UHF I
have to model the entire spacecraft which needs for accurate results 10,000
pulses. Is there an NEC engine for the PC which overcomes this problem?

Is NEC sufficiently different from MININEC on which the Antenna Optimiser which
I am using is based?

Any ideas or information would be gratefully received


John R Cooksley. |
Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd.|
CSER |tel: +44 1483 259278 (x2308)
University of Surrey |fax: +44 1483 259503
Guildford |
SURREY |The best way to accelerate Windows
GU2 5XH |is to throw it through one.
Received on Thu Aug 10 1995 - 15:46:00 EDT

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