NEC-LIST: NEC for the Mac?

From: <Dornbos_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 07:04:45 -0500 (EST)


I have bit off more than I can chew here with the NEC stuff. Can
someone help me out?

I have an interest in antenna design and have downloaded 2 different
NEC programs to use on my Macintosh believing that these would allow
me to see radiation patterns. Here is my experience at using these:

#1 MacMININEC4.4 DEMO. To get familiar with this stuff, I have tried
to model a 1/2-wave dipole. It worked fine, showed an impedance of
close to 70 ohms and showed a figure-8 radiation pattern . This is
the total good experience I've had with this. I have gotten no other
antenna to show even close to what its impedance should be or what
its radiation pattern should be. (For instance, the yagi included as
a demo antenna shows a perfect figure-8 radiation pattern). What am I
doing wrong here? (The author of the program does not write back to
me even though I mentioned that if this program does what I want, I
will buy the full version (shareware).

#2 NEC2.68K(SANE) I downloaded this from the NEC archives web site and
cannot get it to do anything. I think I am making an error of the
most basic kind. I drag and drop one of the sample files onto the
application icon but never get anything that resembles antenna data or
a request for any antenna data. What am I missing here?

I'm completely lost. Am I misunderstanding what these programs can
do? Any help would be be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Doug Dornbos
Received on Thu Jan 28 1999 - 11:45:53 EST

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