Re: NEC-LIST: Compiling NEC2 with Visual Fortran

From: Gerald Burke <burke2_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 09:38:07 -0700


I have not had any problems from the CVF compiler with (1) dimensions.
By default it does not check array bounds. I compile for Release, not
Debug, so that may make a difference. I always compile as Standard
Graphics Application and use the code below to open input and output
files with dialog boxes. It would be nice to have the output file
dialog box open with a default of something line "inputfile".out, but
I have not figured out how to do that. The SETMESSAGEQQ(...) seems to
be very fragile. Any change in the argument may make the message
disappear and dialog box will display no files.

There is a bug in CVF V. 6 such that the delete key does not
completely erase characters from the screen for Standard Graphics
Applications. I got a file qwgfwnd.obj from Compaq that is linked
with the code to fix that.

Jerry Burke

To open files with a dialog box in CVF:

       USE MSFLIB !May not be needed, but carryover
                    !from MS Powerstation Ftn.
       USE DFLIB
C***** Must set "Filenames from Command Line" option in *****
C***** Project/Settings/Fortran/Compatibility *****
C Open input file
1 WRITE(*,'('' Enter INPUT file name (or RETURN) >'',$)')
       READ(*,'(A)',ERR=1) INFILE
         IF(INFILE.EQ.' ')THEN
          CALL SETMESSAGEQQ("Open INPUT file , *.*",
         END IF
C Open output file
2 WRITE(*,'('' Enter OUTPUT file name (or RETURN) >'',$)')
       READ(*,'(A)',ERR=4) OUTFILE
          CALL SETMESSAGEQQ("Open OUTPUT file, *.*",
         END IF
       WRITE(*,'('' Input file: '',A)')INFILE
       WRITE(*,'('' Output file: '',A)')OUTFILE

Timing function:
Received on Thu Aug 24 2000 - 16:28:43 EDT

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