NEC-LIST: Matlab (and other) interfaces to NEC

From: Jim Lux <James.P.Lux_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 11:24:23 -0800

I'd be interested in sharing code for interfaces to NEC from other
languages. I've written a number of routines to generate various
cards for the input decks, and to parse the output of the
run(s). Depending on their original application, I've got stuff in
Matlab, Visual C++, and Visual Basic.

My real problem has been coming up with a suitable "meta" description
of the design being optimized that lends itself to running with an
optimizer. It would be nice to not have to rewrite the interface
between generalized optimizer and the NEC interface every time, but,
given that every problem is different, perhaps that's not realistic,
especially for modifying the geometry. But, even a standardized way
to manipulate or define the geometry as a series of arrays might not
be a bad thing. Then, you could essentially take your matrix and run
it through a utility to generate the geometry cards. (Perhaps the
internal storage format would be as good as any other?)

It would also be nice to have some canned routines that look at the
output and determine various popular figures of merit (front to back
ratio, sidelobe ratios, etc.).

Jim Lux
Spacecraft Telecommunications Section (336)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Road, Mail Stop 161-213
Pasadena CA 91109
Tel: (818)354-2075. Fax:(818)393-6875
Received on Mon Jan 29 2001 - 15:51:32 EST

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