Re: NEC-LIST: Matlab (and other) interfaces to NEC

From: Pekka Lilja <herkules_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2001 12:16:04 +0200


I'm simulating antenna arrays with Matlab. Could you tell me what
would be the easiest way to insert the element excitations from Matlab
into NEC-Win Pro?

Thanks in advance,

Pekka Lilja

Jim Lux wrote:
> I'd be interested in sharing code for interfaces to NEC from other
> languages. I've written a number of routines to generate various
> cards for the input decks, and to parse the output of the
> run(s). Depending on their original application, I've got stuff in
> Matlab, Visual C++, and Visual Basic.
> My real problem has been coming up with a suitable "meta" description
> of the design being optimized that lends itself to running with an
> optimizer. It would be nice to not have to rewrite the interface
> between generalized optimizer and the NEC interface every time, but,
> given that every problem is different, perhaps that's not realistic,
> especially for modifying the geometry. But, even a standardized way
> to manipulate or define the geometry as a series of arrays might not
> be a bad thing. Then, you could essentially take your matrix and run
> it through a utility to generate the geometry cards. (Perhaps the
> internal storage format would be as good as any other?)
> It would also be nice to have some canned routines that look at the
> output and determine various popular figures of merit (front to back
> ratio, sidelobe ratios, etc.).
> Jim Lux
> Spacecraft Telecommunications Section (336)
> Jet Propulsion Laboratory
> 4800 Oak Grove Road, Mail Stop 161-213
> Pasadena CA 91109
> Tel: (818)354-2075. Fax:(818)393-6875

Pekka Lilja                     e-mail:
University of Oulu              tel: +358-(0)8-5532844  
Telecommunication laboratory    fax: +358-(0)8-5532845
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90014 University of Oulu        www:
Finland                         Room TL 109
Received on Fri Feb 09 2001 - 14:33:06 EST

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