RE:NEC-LIST: 4NEC2 Optimizer

From: <4nec2_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 13:01:54 +0100 (MET)

Hello Mike,

just noticed, you posted this question on the Nec-list,
so I will have to compose a more public answer.

Till now 4nec2 has no provisions for optimizing over a
range of frequencies (like AO or YGO).
This option was already added to my list of things to add.
Other points on this list like user-friendly full Nec-2 based
entry system have higher priority. (at least for now).

At the moment I have almost finished adding a Genetic Algorithm
as an alternative optimization method to 4nec2.

This algoritm includes a large number of genetic operators like
Roulette-Wheel (SSR), SUS, tournament or truncation selection,
Artihmic-, Heuristic-, Blend (BLX), SBX, N-point or uniform crossover
and boundary-, uniform-, Gaussian or none-uniform mutation

For those who would like to give it a try, you could send me a mail,
and I will send a beta-version.


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