From: Steve Inge <sringe_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 1997 20:43:06 +1300 (NZDT)

>I disagre strongly with the opinion Word is Sufficient. Word is a terrible
>piece of software and users of NEC sould not have to purchase it to read the
>manual. Messing around with Zipped files is messy at best.
>Also untrue is that the Word file is smaller than .pdf - I know this since I
>have just made the .pdf for the manual from the Word file. As a creater of
>electronic documents stick with the product that is designed for information
>distribution and not creation..
>In good faith,
>Derek N. Walton
>Owner EMC Test Facility

A Free viewer for WORD for Windows 6.0 is available from . It
works well. I use it with Netscape and Word-Perfect Office. One benefit is
that viewing a file does not push my work off the recent openned file list.

I am NOT expressing a preference for Word, only setting the record straight.

But perhaps Word would allow me to easily add the necessary addendum on how
to run the program on our network, and some added notes on program
amendments that I make for our special requirements. (e.g. extending the
order of symmetry allowed). = Steve Inge, ZL2BDV. Engineering Analyst,
Broadcast Communications Ltd, PO Box 98, Wellington, New Zealand.
Home=9 High St, Island Bay, Wellington, New Zealand.
Received on Mon Jan 13 1997 - 10:03:53 EST

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